Dateline 5-10-2017
/It's crazy how different my writer mind thinks at night versus how it thinks in the daytime. There used to be a time where I wouldn't even attempt to write until the sun went down but that was back when I was purely writing fiction and I needed the late night energy to fully get into whatever world I was creating.
I can see how this could be perceived as a superstition like how a baseball player might wear the same unwashed underwear in an attempt to keep a winning streak alive, ever since I started blogging and strayed from fiction, I still notice a difference between AM and PM writing that is, pun intended, night and day.
Now that I have more experience day writing since starting this blog, I wouldn't say that the quality of work is all that different but I definitely stick to simpler subjects while the sun is up. I genuinely feel more freedom to explore my thoughts deeper when the rest of the world around me is fast asleep.
Last night, I had another one of my brainstorming sessions were I was fully determined to take off the gloves and get even more real in these Daily Breaker posts. Now that I mainly blog during the day, I feel that this site is missing a little bit of the edge that I used to, at least try to, strive for.
Where I've always aimed to find entertainment in the mundane, I feel that ever since I've evolved this segment to be an attempt to talk myself out of the deep depression by sharing that I'm okay now that I genuinely feel okay, this approach has grown to be rather boring, especially when I have no relapse to work through.
Now that I do feel okay, I want to explore more of the dark path that got me here while also sharing the insights that lit the way and allowed me to keep on going. Late last night, I started to plot out what I wanted to post today and I have a pretty decent outline but when I sat down to write it this morning, the daylight just didn't allow me to get in the mood in order to get where I wanted to go.
I tried making this an end of the day post only to find that I was always rushing in order to meet my deadline. Because of this morning hurdle, I need to come up with a strategy for how, when, and what to write at night to have content to publish in the morning. I've done this a few times and it worked out well, I just need to keep doing it until it becomes a pattern.
Not only would this give something to post first thing in the morning to start the day feeling accomplish, this would also allow me to get right into my SNL review to be able to go on with my non-blogging day sometime around noon which would free up my day to get back to taking the classes I've been putting off.
Hopefully, my internet will stay strong through the day so I can finally get caught up with my work that I'm behind on due to a week of jury duty followed by a week of internet outages. Once I get caught up my next step would be to get a little ahead and then start to really work on revamping my schedule to fit in everything I need into my day.
We'll see what I get to and as always, I'll be sure to share my progress when I check in tomorrow.
Talk to you then,
The Wicker Breaker