Dateline 5-26-2017

Damn it... I have four new challenges that I want to start right now and I could totally pull all of it off if I just had a stable part time job so that I don't have to spend so much time looking for random gigs to allow me to scrape by while I do so. 

Again, I'm still being strung along by one potential fit for this type of income while I continue to work odd one-off gigs through another site that hires me on the regular. Unfortunately, even this company that I trust has been stringing me along with the latest job they've already approved me for.

I trust that this trusted company will eventually come through but the gig in question will only last a week or two which is not enough stability to buckle down and blog away for the next couple of years where hopefully I will figure out a way to monetize this site or at least find a way to make a couple buck 100% on my own.

It's not really that any of these potential challenges are cost prohibitive, no, I learned from my mistakes from my resolution challenge and now won't even entertain an idea unless it's at least on the verge of being free. The only thing holding me back is how much time these tasks would take when I'm already struggling to fit everything into my day.

That said, I do think that I am going to start one of these four new challenges at the start of the upcoming month. This is going to be a month-long daily challenge and I will be tracking my progress here in my Daily Breaker posts as it is not a big enough challenge to justify its very own segment but it also has something to do with my attempt to bring this segment of my site up to the next level. This will allow me to add a challenge without taking up any extra time especially since there is a second aspect to this challenge to where it's a supplement to something that I am already doing on a daily basis.

When I first started to write this post, I wasn't really ready to commit. My plan was to just complain about what I wanted to do but now I'm getting excited to start right away. By the time this one month challenge is over, I'll be able to start another of the remaining three that would work under the same circumstances where it will be Daily Breaker material that won't require enough extra time to make it impossible to pull off.

The third challenge could also be manageable because it would only be a once a week challenge but it would go on for over a year. Part of me just wants to say fuck it, and start this one next month as well. Though it may burn me out, this is what I want to do with my life and I feel like I need to put in that extra bit of effort to make that known to the world.

Who know, I may get a wild hair up my ass and jump right into all of this next week. Either way, I will be starting a new one month challenge on the first of the month. Until then, I will keep up with my rambling when I check in to say hi tomorrow.

Talk to you then,

The Wicker Breaker