Dateline 6-13-2017
/Yesterday ended up being a pretty good day here at Wicker Breaker Industries. First off, the internet fix that the support team from my ISP suggested seemed to finally stabilize the internet issues that have been going on for the past couple months. Apparently, when you reset the modem you have to unplug every wire including the coaxial cable in order to get a full reset.
I guess the coaxial cable connects with just enough electricity to keep the thing alive just enough to hang on to whatever is in its memory that keeps it from moving on with a fresh start to get back to living up to its potential and work without hanging on to the baggage. In a way, this reset feels like it's done the same to me as I didn't wake up this morning feeling like I was about to play Russian roulette as I wondered over to my office space to log-on to my life line.
It may sound ridiculous but ever since I found a direct line to my ISP support I've been able to breathe easier and literally feel less tension in my chest from constantly worrying if I'll be able to make my day because, yes, my life has become very internet dependent as both my hobbies and my work require a solid connection to the web.
That's not to say that I could not live without it. Though I am super dependent on the internet when it should be readily available, if the whole system were to crash and the entire world went offline, other than the chaos that would ensue I'd be perfectly fine navigating reality in an analog way just like I used to when I was a child.
If anything, technology keeps me shackled into the simulated universe while reality sits waiting for me just outside my door. Unfortunately, as romantic as the real world sounds we've reached the point where these existences are so intertwined it's impossible to go back to easier (but not necessarily better) days.
Wait... I thought I was supposed to talk about how great yesterday was... oh yeah... It's also great that my internet started working again because one of the three gigs that I've been waiting on for over a month finally came through so I'll be getting more than just a mini paycheck that I can live off of for at least a couple months and hopefully, within that time, one of these other two opportunities will pull through.
I also have a new friend that I've been texting back and forth with who has also really lightened my otherwise shut-in days. This combination of circumstances has me feeling pretty optimistic, at least when it comes to short-term goals.
Now, I have to knock out this SNL review the I prewrote last night so I can fit in as many hours of paid work as I can because today is the "end of the week" as far as payroll is concerned which means I can work as many hours as I want without going over the maximum weekly hours so I want to work as much as I can.
So, with that, it's off to work I go!
Talk to you tomorrow with another update.
The Wicker Breaker