Dateline 7-23-2017
/Other than the early morning snafu where my power was shut off due to a small fire in the main house, yesterday was a pretty eventless/peaceful day which seems to be more and more of a common occurrence as my life seems to evolve toward normalcy which definitely is affecting my writing but it's still hard to tell if it's for better or worse.
That's fine though because the whole point of this blog is to find my writers voice and my current approach is to try and write for a broader audience which is why I try to limit my cursing in my SNL reviews and also why I'm not using drugs and alcohol as my muse like I did for my 52 Week Of Southland Tales Reviews which was fitting because you need drugs and alcohol to fully appreciate that movie.
I'm fine with this toned down writing/lifestyle when it comes to my blog but I'm worried about how it will affect my fictional writing as my brain feels out of practice from no longer living out strange scenarios both literally and through fantasy in order to entertain myself while navigating an extremely mundane existence of a bored young boy who grew up constantly feeling ignored.
My biggest fear is that I'm losing this fantastical place in my head that used to always be there for me as I ride out the rest of my life feeling unfulfilled as I finally give in and attempt to write what might sell over sticking to my guns and only writing what I want to say, that is if I ever get back to my fictional writing in the first place.
Oh well, we'll see what happens and, of course, as always, I'll check in tomorrow with what does.
Talk to you then.
The Wicker Breaker