The Daily Breaker: Dateline 1-28-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are with yet another midday post… only this time I’m not feeling so down… I think what happened was… I was getting too much sleep thanks to a new med that I’ve been taking and praising for the past week or so… at first… it felt nice to get caught up from the sleep deficit that I’ve been building for a while… then I hit the point that I was concerned about… where I started to sleep so much that I was getting depressed… and only wanted to sleep even more…

During this time… I wasn’t as consistent with my post-surgery sinus rinsing ritual… leading my left ear to clog and the buzzing to return in my head… this left me wanting to sleep even more to escape this sensory annoyance… but at the same time… I’ve been growing to be so well-rested that sticking to my new sleep routine was impossible… this only made my more aggravated because I really love to oversleep whenever I’m tired enough to pull it off…

It wasn’t until yesterday that I realized I haven’t rinsed my sinuses as much due to all of this extra sleep… so I gave it a go… and the buzzing toned down a bit… I’ve rinsed my sinuses several times since… and now my left ear feels somewhat normal again… I still sense a subtle rumble… like you might hear just before a yawn… but it’s manageable… and no longer affects my mood as much… other than the disappointment that the issue is still there…

I can’t wait for my next doctor’s appointment to see if I can at least get a diagnosis and name for this condition… so I’ll no longer have to grasp at straws while trying to find my own cure… fortunately… I have a couple of appointments coming this week… hopefully… at least one appointment will be with someone who’s heard of this before… since I haven’t had all that much luck with this mystery ailment in the past…

Of course… I’ll keep you posted on my road to better health… and as always… I look forward to checking in tomorrow…


The Wicker Breaker