The Daily Breaker: Dateline 1-29-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are… with yet another midday post… only this time I’m in a much better mood… as I pointed out in yesterday’s post… my ear issue seems to be clearing up relieve some of my stress… on top of that… I think I’m finally past the technical issues on this site and am getting my old traffic and revenue again… or at least close… it will be another week or two of getting the same results before I’ll feel confident… but for now… I’m considering the problem resolved…

Now that the above issues are returning to normal… I need to get back into figuring out my daily routine… since I’m finding that I have too much free time… now that I have fewer issues to deal with and am getting caught up on behind the scenes work as well…

First I want to get back to being as active with my vegetable garden as I was before I got sick… then I want to figure out a fitness routine… my outside garden is still going strong… but most of my indoor plants have either died… or have been eaten and need to be restarted… As for the fitness plan… I just need to do something to start getting this weight off until the summer get’s here and I can swim again…

I can’t wait for all of the things that I started this year to get past their honeymoon phases and finally start to settle… right now… I feel like the honeymoon traveling is done… with all of my plans in motion… but I’m back and forth between feeling excited and depressed about having to go back to the day job… and worry if I’ll still have enough time for the romance…

We’ll see how things go… but thankfully… I’ll at least have the weekend to prepare for whatever may be ahead… of course… I’ll still be checking in tomorrow… since this is a daily post… and as always… I’ll look forward to talking to you then…


The Wicker Breaker