The Daily Breaker: Dateline 1-30-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are… closer to the end of the day than usual… since I spent most of the day working on behind-the-scenes tasks to optimize this site… which is ten times more fun than problem-solving issues that weren’t my fault… I’d go into more details but I’m trying to save that type of stuff for my 365 Days Of Marketing And Me posts… to avoid double-dipping content as much as I have… since returning to this blog… or page… or collection of blogs… whatever this website is…

I’m excited that things are finally starting to settle once again… granted… it’s only been two days since the buzzing in my left ear went away… but… my mood seemed to lighten the second the buzzing was gone… it’s weird because it feels like the buzzing forces me to think from a different area in my head… minus the buzzing… my thoughts seem singular and feel like they’re coming from the front central part of my head… but with the buzzing… my thoughts seem to generate closer to my left ear…

The thoughts near the ear seem separate… and are more like a mechanic cursing up a storm while digging through a crapped engine to find the strange sound’s source… all the while… that front center thinking is still trying to continue to work… which is why I feel like I may have been confusing this issue for signs of being bipolar… since the frontal thoughts are always calm when the back of the head thoughts are always on the verge of a nervous breakdown… just wanting enough silence to rest…

I have an appointment with the doctor who didn’t my surgery… who just does the sinus stuff… and told me that he’d refer me to an ear… nose… and throat specialist as soon as I’m fully healed from the procedure that he worked on… this will be visit number three… and should be my last… so I’m excited to see what will get worked on next…

Of course… I’ll be sure to keep you posted on my progress… until then… it’s time to get high… so… I’ll talk to you when I check in with tomorrow’s post… as always… I look forward to finding out what I’ll have to share!!!


The Wicker Breaker