The Daily Breaker: Dateline 1-31-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are… with another evening post… as I wrap up my first month back to blogging… things may have started a little rough since I was rusty at coming up with content off the top of my head that didn’t feel forced… though I’m still struggling with being overly critical of my own work… I at least feel like I’m falling back into my groove… especially now that I’ve found a structure for my 365 Days Of Marketing And Me challenge that I enjoy…

I wish I had the same refound comfort with these Daily Breaker posts… but I’m still trying to figure out what I’m trying to accomplish with this segment… in the past… The Daily Breaker was meant to share my plans for the day in a post that I’d write soon after waking… but that was back when I had a day job… and wouldn’t publish my featured post until I got home and most others were in bed…

The problem is… the way I’ve structured this marketing challenge the plan for the day is actually part of the project… so… there’s no need to share my intention over here… keeping in mind… I just started to feel comfortable with the main challenge over the past couple of days… and I’m sure that as soon as I’m comfortable with the new game plan… I’ll settle into what I want to accomplish over here…

Of course… I’ll keep you posted on my progress as I go… until then… it’s time for me to get stoned and work on more data entry… and as always… I look forward to checking in tomorrow to share my latest post… talk to you then…


The Wicker Breaker