The Daily Breaker: Dateline 2-1-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are… at the end of another day… it’s the first day of my birthday month… and I’m excited about how things are playing out as I continue to find new ways to grow this site… without having to be a carnival barker… which… I’m beginning to think is what’s always held me back from taking an interest in promoting my work as a potential income source… because when I do go into hype-man mode… it can be confused for a manic episode… due to my all or nothing approach to life…

Looking back… it’s clear to see that each major manic episode I’ve experienced was linked to the exact point that a close call with success hit a turning point where things started to sour… this is when my confidence turns to dread as I begin to desperately flounder about trying to get things back on track… while killing any chance of rekindling any interest… in the process…

One of these days I’ll have to create a timeline of my ups and downs to show how success affects my mood… but that’s not going to be right now… right now… I just need to wrap things up so I can hang out with my dog and my Arizer Extreme Q with remote control… as I continue to fix this site’s lack of SEO… as always… I look forward to sharing what I get into when I share my next post with you…


The Wicker Breaker