The Daily Breaker: Dateline 2-14-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

I’m back… after taking last night off to celebrate Blame Someone Else Day… where… in order to fulfill the task from my 365 Days Of Marketing And Me challenge… I blamed my dog’s need for more cuddle time to avoid my evening… self-imposed… writing obligation… but really I just needed to prove to myself that it’s okay to take a break from time to time… and that I don’t have to take the “daily” in The Daily Breaker so literally… unless I land some form of paid contract to do so…

I tend to do that a lot…. take things literally that is… getting paid to do anything… not so much anymore… but I’m working on it… I’ve still got two years left to make something out of this website… when following my favorite adage about it taking ten years to make an overnight success… to a T… good thing that when following this logic… I still have twelve years to become successful on night number two…

Even if the site never ends up making it… I’ll always have the quote “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm…” to keep me from getting too down in the bumps…. so… now that I’ve had to work through all of these benefits… maybe taking thing literally isn’t all that bad…

Either way… it’s nice to feel like things finally might be working out… especially keeping in mind how obtainable my first goal is… making five bucks a day through ads…with my revenue now seeming to go up… with each SEO task I complete… which I’ve been doing for the past nine hours straight… so… I’m exhausted… and head off to bed… but… as always… I can’t wait to check into again tomorrow… that is… unless I don’t…


The Wicker Breaker