The Daily Breaker: Dateline 2-15-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are… at the end of another day… and boy howdy am I tired… and to add to all of this fun… now that my left ear is clearing up… I’m starting to learn that the vibrating sensation that I’m feeling… and the buzz that rattled my head when traveling through my semi-clogged left… might be something external being amplified by my injuries and ailments… after the last couple of days while my ear felt like it was fully cleared up… the buzzing started to sound more like the hum of a power line…

When my left ear was doing its thing… where it seems to clog just enough to throw off my equilibrium while converting any buzzing from things like fan motors… or the air pump from the aquarium… into a sensation that felt like it was coming from inside my skull… while the vibrating from the compressed nerve in my lower back would also sync to the frequencies to rattle the entire left side of my body… which… silly me… I confused for anxiety… a little over two years ago… that I started to figure this out…

Keep in mind… this was just when I figured out the compressed nerve was causing a vibrating sensation from whatever injury led to my sciatica… it wasn’t until I had my sinus surgery… a little over three months ago… when I learned just how much a properly draining nose can relieve pressure in a few areas of the head… and how the ear… nose… and throat are actually tied together… while my equilibrium issues almost went completely away… but…. I still hear the amplified buzz off the powerline… or whatever that is… that’s now the source of what’s driving me out of my head…

At least now that I know it’s external… I can try to figure out a way to deaden the sound… even though it’s still super annoying because it still causes the nerve in my back to dance to its frequency… in a way that I can live with… but it’s extremely annoying… at night it can get so bad that it feels like there’s a vibrator under my mattress…. not strong enough to feel any benefits… but strong enough that you just wish that you could get to it so that you can turn it off…

With that… it’s time to get high with my Arizer Extreme Q with remote control… in order to cope with all of this nonsense…and hopefully get some rest… actually… I’ve been sleeping rather well lately… but… I could still always use more rest… either way… I look forward to checking in again tomorrow… talk to you then…


The Wicker Breaker