The Daily Breaker: Dateline 2-16-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are… at the end of another day… and once again I’m feeling exhausted… but in a good way… considering the fact that this round of exhaustion is from the effort that I’m putting into making a positive change in my life… and not just exhaustion from life in general like I’m used to… it’s been nice falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow… instead of waiting for my mind to stop racing to finally get to crash…

I think it might be time for more experiments with using Swiss cheese to induce lucid dreams because I swear that this has worked for me more than once… from my findings so far… it has to be the Smart and Final brand Swiss cheese… it’s been a while since I tried this… but I seem to remember there being a different pasteurization process than the other brands…

All that I know is that… I noticed was having way more vivid dreams back when I added the cheese to my diet… but they would have to take breaks after building up a tolerance… it’s been several months since I started my last break… it’s also been a while since I can remember having a dream… so I think it might be time to facilitate a trip to Smart and Final… since Amazon Fresh doesn’t deliver that brand…

I’m not sure if I will be able to pull this off by tomorrow… but I will be sure to let you know if/when I do end up starting my next round of dream experiments… until then… I’m going to publish this post and crash… as always… I look forward to checking back in tomorrow… whether or not I have any cheese news to share… talk to you then…


The Wicker Breaker