The Daily Breaker: Dateline 2-22-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are at the end of yet another day… sorry that I skipped last night’s post… I took the night off to celebrate Single Task Day… which was the theme of yesterday’s 365 Days Or Marketing And Me Challenge… I was also busy discovering a new development in the drama with my left ear… and am now fully certain that it is the main source of the sensory issue that I’ve been dealing with recently…

Granted there are also other outside sources involved in my auditory discomfort… but at least I now have more trust that my self-diagnosis is not just something that I’m making up in my head just to have an “I’ll be fine” explanation I keep telling myself to calm my nerves while I wait for an official diagnosis… because I was really beginning to think that the sound and the sensation that I was feeling and hearing… was coming from the powerlines…

There is some sort of conjunction box on one of the poles down the street that does create a hum that annoys me… but ever since I tried butting an earplug in just my left ear… all of the amplified frequency sounds and sensations… that I’ve been complaining about on several posts… are subtle enough to almost ignore… then when the earplug comes out… these sensations rattle my head…

After I put the earplug back in… I started to hear and feel that there was a pattern… my fictional writer mind started to fantasize that these vibration patterns were coming from aliens… since the pattern wasn’t consistent enough to seem like it was the repeating sounds of something mechanical… there seem to be more of a melody between the on and the off…

At the time of this discovery… I was listening to Dave Grohl on Howard Stern… and I kept noticing something weird… but couldn’t put my finger on it… like maybe he pauses in strange places to breathe when he talks… the more that I focused… the more I realized that when he was pausing and causing silence… the buzzing in my ear was at it’s loudest… then he would talk again and the buzzing would be gone… I then paused the show and took out the earplug… and the buzzing was loud and went on nonstop… until I restarted the show…

I don’t know if this is the sign of a blown eardrum from wearing earbuds almost one-hundred percent of the time that I worked away from my house… or had to walk or ride my bike anywhere… or if it’s still part of the sinus draining issue that my surgery mostly cleared… I’m excited to see even more confirmation that it is an ear-thing… and not these vibrating sensations were coming from inside my head… because I initially feared this was a brain thing…

Oh well… I guess I’ll have to wait for my next doctor’s appointment to see if this new information will give them a better idea of what’s going on with me…. now if I can only find better evidence as to what’s causing the vibrations that now run down the entire left side of my body… and is why I have to get high to go to bed… well… I’d be getting high before bed either way… so there’s no “have to” involved… other than how I have to wrap this one up… because… once again… I lost the thread to my end-of-the-day post…

As always… I look forward to checking in again tomorrow…


The Wicker Breaker