The Daily Breaker: Dateline 2-24-2021

Good Evening Crickets…

Here we are at the end of another night… where I learned this afternoon that the ear issue I’ve been dealing with actually is tinnitus… which I always thought was more of a whistle… and an entire range of sounds… mine just happens to sound like the frequency generated by some power lines… and still has a way to… somehow… amplify the pressure changes from things like helicopters and fans… or even the fan in my computer… to where it feels like the vibrating’s coming from inside my skull…

At least now that I know for a fact what it is that I’m dealing with… I feel like I’m making progress in finding my own remedies to relieve at least some of the discomfort… according to the doctor… at this point… it’s not bad enough for there to be anything to do about it… aside from a few drugs that might help… I was on one of these pills a month ago… but then put on weight… which the side effects said it might do… and sucks because I need to lose weight… and have not gained any in close to a year…

I did find that when I do shove an earplug in there… when the buzzing begins to ramp up… the earplug will not only deaden the sound… but also seems to press up against my ear-walls until the buzzing goes away… and then buzzing stays away for a while… usually… by this time of night… it’s to the point where the sound and sensation are unbearable… I slept with an earplug in my ear… and other than the phantom feelings that it’s still in there… I have heard or felt anything weird from my left ear tonight… the doctor also said that it could go away if I were to find a way to release the stress from dealing with chronic pain…

That’s probably why getting high when it started to get bad… used to be my solution… now I get high to handle the chronic pain in my leg and lower back… speaking of which… it’s time to wrap this one up so that I can give my full attention to my Arizer Extreme Q with remote control… before heading over to the couch to watch TV with my dog before I crash… as always… I look forward to sharing more thoughts with you tomorrow evening…


The Wicker Breaker