Dateline 12-25-2017

Dateline 12-25-2017

Dateline 12-25-2017

Merry Christmas everyone!!! Sorry if yesterday's post came across as a bummer based on the summarized paragraph that's populated when I share my links on social media. The overall attempt was meant to be about my optimism about the upcoming year with my lost but increasing enthusiasm for the season is a sign that I'm ready to be more positive even though I'm not quite there at this particular time.

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Dateline 12-24-2017

Dateline 12-24-2017

Dateline 12-24-2017

Happy Christmas Eve to all of you who are into that sort of thing!!! I wouldn't say that I'm anti-Christmas but it's been a while since I have been more than slightly excited over this "special time of year." I'm not a religious person but I used to really love Christmas because it was the one day a year that I used to travel down from Seattle to spend some time with the family.

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Dateline 12-22-2017

Dateline 12-22-2017

Dateline 12-22-2017

I think I'm officially done trying to say anything serious on social media, which is something that I am only tempted to do when I am drunk in the first place, so it shouldn't be all that hard to give it up. It usually starts with me attempting to say something witty about the current state of affairs then devolves into rambling rants with a few half-assed attempts at humor on the off chance that anyone calls me out on my nonsense.

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Dateline 12-21-2017

Dateline 12-21-2017

Dateline 12-21-2017

It's day number three and there's still paid work to be done. I have mixed feeling about this as these tasks usually only last for a day or two so I am excited that it's still going so that I can continue to make money but at the same time there is that part of me that wishes the work would dry up so that I can get back to working on the next draft of my novel without feeling any guilt. 

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Dateline 12-20-2017

Dateline 12-20-2017

Dateline 12-20-2017

What was already going to be a tight schedule, just got even tighter. As I've been saying over the past couple of days, I'm growing to be a bit worried that I will not finish the latest draft of my novel in time to share it on the first of the year. The other night these concerns were eased a bit when I realized this draft isn't as time-consuming as it is more of a polish draft than a major rewrite. Then, yesterday afternoon, I got an offer to do some paid work.

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Dateline 12-19-2017

Dateline 12-19-2017

Dateline 12-19-2017

Here we go with another day of nonsense. Not that any particular nonsense is going on here in this room, as I am still busy working away on my ambitious dream to be able to support myself as a writer, I'm more talking the overall nonsense of modern life that I am growing more and more disinterested in being a part of, making the fantasy to earn enough to be able to afford to go off the grid and live out the rest of my days writing in some location where I can just tune out the rest of the world.

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Dateline 12-17-2017

Dateline 12-17-2017

Dateline 12-17-2017

Last night turned out to be an interesting night at my youngest cousins wedding. I don't know if I would say that I had a lot of fun, but that has to do my own issue with social anxiety issues and how I felt completely out of place amongst the well-dressed religious types that I've never felt that I fit in with. Other than that the festivities were nice, there was tons of good food and family members that I haven't seen in a while.

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Dateline 12-15-2017

Dateline 12-15-2017

Dateline 12-15-2017

Oops, I really ended up dropping the ball last night and barely got any writing done at all due to my poor planning. I wanted to get all of my blog stuff out of the way first thing in the morning as usual then do a little daytime smoking so I could play during the afternoon. The idea was that I was going to take my nap a little later in the day so that I could stay up all night and work on rewriting my novel.

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Dateline 12-14-2017

Dateline 12-14-2017

Dateline 12-14-2017

Well, last night turned out to be a bit of a success. Over the past couple days, I've been struggling to get into a groove in order to start draft three of the novel I plan to share at the start of the New Year. As I said yesterday, I think part of the problem was that I was working on non-story content like the call to action for the crowdsourcing strategy that I plan to implement and the introduction.

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Dateline 12-13-2017

Dateline 12-13-2017

Dateline 12-13-2017

Today I'm finishing off another season of SNL which is crazy considering that I have yet to stray away from my minimum average of one viewing a day since New Year's and am still several seasons away from being halfway through this challenge. It's not only hard to believe how much more work there is ahead of me but it's also hard to believe that I've already been at this for almost a year.

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Dateline 12-12-2017

Dateline 12-12-2017

Dateline 12-12-2017

Here we go again with another day. Right now it feels kind of like it's going to be a rough one because I feel extra tired and a bit unmotivated as I try to psych myself up enough to go full-boar into draft three of the novel that I plan to publicly share very soon. I did manage to start writing a new Intro page to share my plan to start self-publishing and how any potential reader can help.

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Dateline 12-11-2017

Dateline 12-11-2017

Dateline 12-11-2017

Holy Moly, proofreading a novel is way more time consuming than proofreading than proofreading a feature-length script, as I learned from last night's efforts. I knew this would be the case, I just wasn't prepared for just how much a difference there would actually be since I figured the math would be twice as many pages would simply translate to twice as much time to read.

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Dateline 12-10-2017

Dateline 12-10-2017

Dateline 12-10-2017

I'm pretty impressed with myself because of how yesterday I was able to waste the day away wasted while still getting to all of my daily tasks. As usual, for my bi-monthly booze binge, I bought a box of wine on Friday night and drank continuously until it was gone the next day. That's not to say that I was up the entire time but for the hours that I was awake I was boozing.

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Dateline 12-9-2017

Dateline 12-9-2017

Dateline 12-9-2017

Though it was not in my plans, today might be the start to another one of my lost weekends due to the fact that box wine was on sale for $9.99 when I dropped by the store last night to get some supplies. Not only that but over the past couple days, I've managed to squirrel away a couple extra SNL reviews to where I can burn one from my backlog and still be ahead by a day.

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Dateline 12-8-2017

Dateline 12-8-2017

Dateline 12-8-2017

You know how I was complaining yesterday that my YouTube was acting up after they implemented their new branding to promote their Rewind video? You know how I also said that I checked their Twitter pages only to find zero information about any known issues which led me to think the issue was on my end? And finally, you know how I said that this ruined the first part of my day as I ran all of my anti-virus and maintenance software in hopes to resolve the issue only to have nothing work?

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Dateline 12-7-2017

Dateline 12-7-2017

Dateline 12-7-2017

I don't know why it seems that not a single week can go by without there being some sort of technical glitch with my computer. For the most part, my computer as a whole works just fine but there always seems to be one little thing that is off just enough to drive me out of my mind. Today's agita is brought to you by YouTube where it randomly stopped working correctly in my Chrome browser. 

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Dateline 12-06-2017

Dateline 12-06-2017

Dateline 12-06-2017

Alright, things seem to be all back to normal as I am officially past the decompression phase that always follows the finishing of a long-format fiction piece. This round cycled through rather quickly considering it came after completing a major rewrite of one novel as well as writing a second from scratch. In the past, post project depression could last as long as a couple of months depending on how much time and emotional energy went into the piece.

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